What a great week it’s been introducing my new book to our nation’s capital. Although election stress is evident across the United States, people who work in policy, political journalism, and campaigns may be feeling it even more acutely than most. I hope bringing Facing the Fracture “inside the beltway” will offer a helpful resource to these beleaguered folks.

First stop was Kramer Books, a DC institution. It was an honor to initiate their new event space with a standing room only crowd! Ross Weiner, from the Aspen Institute, was well-prepared to moderate the conversation with a highlighted and dog-eared copy of Facing the Fracture in hand. The attendees had great questions, and we had a lively discussion! Afterward, it was lovely to celebrate with friends and colleagues.

UCSB alumni hosted a lovely gathering. Gauchos enthusiastically participated in the icebreaker activity I created about navigating political division. I shared some background and content of Facing the Fracture, and we had some great conversation. As always, I enjoyed signing books and giving away “ready to be strong” friendship bracelets!

I ended the week with an appearance on DC local news, where we talked about the upcoming presidential debate. You can watch the interview below.