LGBTQ-Related Programs

“That’s So Straight:” Anti-LGBT Hostility, Heterosexual Privilege, and Allies

Heterosexual people exhibit a range of views, behaviors, and relationships with regard to LGBT people. At the most negative end of the spectrum are expressions of hostility in the form of hate crimes, anti-LGBT activism, and rejection. Even those who are seemingly neutral may, in fact, be benefitting from heterosexual privilege and unknowingly acting to maintain the unearned advantages conferred by society. Some heterosexual people become allies of LGBT communities, taking an active role in advocating for sexual minorities. This presentation will illuminate these various paths and discuss the consequences for heterosexual people, LGBT people, and our society as a whole.

Evidence-Based Psychotherapy with LGBT Clients
This workshop equips attendees with knowledge and skills to enhance psychotherapy practice with LGBT clients. The presenter will provide attendees with an overview of current research that informs psychotherapy with LGBT clients. Attendees will learn about recent findings regarding sexual orientation identity development, conversion therapy, LGBT people of color, helpful and unhelpful psychotherapy practices, and therapist competencies for working with LGBT clients. This interactive workshop includes lecture, discussion, and role plays.

By the end of this workshop, participants will be able to:

  1. Identify current research that informs psychotherapy practice with LGBT clients
  2. Describe helpful and unhelpful psychotherapy practices with LGBT clients
  3. Recognize the unique knowledge and skills necessary to work with transgender clients
  4. Demonstrate affirming responses to clients who are experiencing conflict between their sexual orientation and their culture, religion, or other social identities and communities

Bisexuality for Mental Health Professionals

Bisexuals are gaining greater visibility in the media, and youth are increasingly identifying as bisexual. Despite such indicators of apparent acceptance of bisexuality, societal stereotypes and individual biases are widespread. Furthermore, bisexuals are at risk for psychological and behavioral problems and encounter negative experiences with mental health service providers. This presentation will provide an overview of theory and research on bisexuality, including attitudes, psychological patterns, life experiences, and mental health services. Dr. Israel will help attendees increase their awareness of bisexuality and apply bisexual-affirming practices in counseling and psychotherapy.

After attending this presentation, participants will be able to:

  1. Identify societal and individual biases about bisexuality
  2. Describe mental health experiences of bisexual people
  3. Apply current theory and research on bisexuality to client conceptualization
  4. Generate bi-affirming approaches to counseling and psychotherapy
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