Facing the Fracture

Facing the Fracture, Story

Charlottesville Revisited

I recently returned to my hometown for my 40th high school reunion. My trip to Charlottesville was sandwiched between speaking engagements about navigating political division, and I arrived in the midst of the contentious 2024 election season. Growing up in Charlottesville set the stage for my work on bridging divides. As a bi-racial, Chinese, Jewish

Bridging Divides, Facing the Fracture, Uncategorized

Facing the Fracture hits DC!

What a great week it’s been introducing my new book to our nation’s capital. Although election stress is evident across the United States, people who work in policy, political journalism, and campaigns may be feeling it even more acutely than most. I hope bringing Facing the Fracture “inside the beltway” will offer a helpful resource

Bridging Divides, Facing the Fracture

3…2…1…book launch!

My first book was published in August 2020. The height of a pandemic is not the ideal time to gather with people to celebrate a book release, so back then, friends and family joined me on Zoom for a virtual birthday/book party. Four years later, I was excited to give Facing the Fracture a proper

Bridging Divides, Facing the Fracture

2023 Year in Review

I don’t usually make New Years resolutions, but I broke with tradition to identify 3 goals for 2023: 1) buy a hairdryer, 2) listen to a lot of Taylor Swift, and 3) write the next book. Although I accomplished the first two by the end of January 2023, it took me until December to complete

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